Premium Manuka MGO 220+ Honey

Premium Manuka MGO 220+ Honey


Living Pure Manuka Honey MGO 220+ is more like a natural medicine thanks to the wonderful gifts of mother nature. This honey variety is so abundant in health and healing properties that it is able to kill infections; when consumed regularly as part of a healthy lifestyle that includes eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and incorporates physical activity. Due to the high level of antioxidants naturally found in Living Pure Manuka Honey MGO 220+, it should be considered a preferential treatment for cough and colds; especially in children and when sleep disturbances occur as a result of illness. The goodness within this product is heat sensitive and therefore should not be added to boiling water, or other hot foods and drinks. We like to take 1/2 teaspoon of this magical potion once per day to support a healthy lifestyle or twice to three times per day during illness.

2017 Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards: Silver Medal Winner

2018 Australian fine Food Awards: Silver Medal Winner

2018 Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards: Bronze Medal Winner

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Deep within the Australian bush, amongst the native eucalyptus trees and flowers, lie hives of activity where honey bees collect nectar and pollen to transform into honey. At Living Pure, our adept apiarists delicately remove the honey-filled combs from the beehives and extract the honey. Free from additives and preservatives, our premium Australian honey, has a rich, natural flavor ideal for everyday table use and cooking. It is the perfect addition to a healthy eating plan.

How To Use

Honey is one of earth’s natural resources that we are lucky to offer at Living Pure. We have hand selected the finest quality that money can buy so your experience is positive. We are so proud of our range they are the perfect gift for loved ones. At Living Pure we have ensured there is an array of different premium honeys to suit your individual needs. We like Living Pure Honeycomb with fruit and yogurt, on fruit toast and with a Mediterranean antipasti platter or sharing plate of roasted and marinated vegetables, soft cheeses and crunchy bread or crackers. Living Pure eucalyptus honey is lovely and warming in tea, coffee and to replace common table sugars in sweet recipes. Our unique range of Manuka Honeys can be used in recipes to provide additional nutrients to meals. We also like to use our Living Pure Manuka Honey, especially MGO 120+ and MGO 220+ instead of medicines or to compliment them for a real boost to our immune system and overall health.


MGO independently tested at NATA accredited laboratories
Ingredients: 100% natural Australian Manuka honey

